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Ask The GameMaster

 Got a question for the GameMaster?

E-mail him here and he'll answer you personally, as soon as possible. One of my favorite activities, beside winning $$$ at a casino, is helping others to do the same.

Everyday, I get questions from readers on all aspects of gambling and I answer each one of the personally. In the 4+ years we've been on the Internet, hundreds of these questions, along with my answers, have been published in the GameMaster Advisor section of our website.

 Since many of them address general questions on the gambling experience, we decided to create the "Ask The GameMaster" column. If you're just getting into casino gambling, you'll undoubtedly find something helpful here.

 If you've been in the game for a while, you'll probably find a few points to ponder, and maybe a tip or two.

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